Monday, December 31, 2007



At Pamukkale “Cotton Castle” nature has produced a sight of spectacular beauty. For thousands of years an underground spring located deep in the earth has been pouring out streams of hot mineral- saturated water. As it has flowed down the mountainside the steaming water has holowed anormous cicurlar basins in the earth, and their rich mineral content has coated them in a smooth layer of dazzlingly-white calcareous rock. To the ancients such beauty could only mean that the place was holy to the goods. Built near the natural hat springs, the grond eity of Hieropolis attracted a steady stream of pilgrims, who come to bothe in the cyrative waters. Pamukkale is located 250 km from İzmir and 20 km from Denizli.
CAPACİTY The Pamukkale hot springs flow at a rate of 400 liters per second. The focilities can accommodate about 57.600 both-days and patentianly 57.600 beds on the basis of 600 people/day/both

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