Thursday, January 10, 2008

Agri Mountain And Noah Ark.

Ağrı and Noah’s Ark. Ağrı province was founded along the transit road to Iran and is at an altitude of 1,640 m. above sea level. The most interesting place in the province, which has a long record of history, is Ağrı Mountain (Mount Ararat), famous for its majestic appearance and the Legend of Noah. Ağrı Mountain which gives the city its name is the highest mountain in Turkey and Europe, with its summit of 5,137 m. According to religious beliefs, Noah’s Ark landed on Ağrı Mountain. In the Great Flood, Noah took one pair of each of the living creatures into his ship and after struggling with the waves and the flood, the ship came to a stop on top of Ağrı Mountain which is mentioned in the Holy Books. When the waters receded, Noah, his family and the animals left the ship and the second human generation was started. Noah’s wife collected the last remnants of grain in the hold of the ship before disembarking and mixed it together, thus making the first dish of “Aşure” (Noah’s Pudding).

Doğubeyazıt is the most important town of Ağrı. İshak Pasha Palace, the most interesting structure in East Anatolia, is here. Facing İshak Pasha Palace is the Doğubeyazıt Citadel, which was first built by the Urartians. The main citadel was built by Şehzade Beyazıt in 1380 and was named after him. There are hieroglyphics, burial chambers and reliefs from the Urartians in the citadel, which was constructed on top of the rocks.
Diyadin Thermal Springs, known as the Pamukkale of East Anatolia, are in Diyadin township of Ağrı Province. The Thermal Springs, which have three water sources, are beneficial for healing various diseases. The thermal spring at the foot of Tendürek Mountain which is at an altitude of 3,542 m., is also an ideal place for photographers.

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